Reviewer Information
Click here for reviews website.
Summary of important dates/times
Overall schedule
Please click here for the detailed schedule for the reviews.
Your detailed schedule
Reviewer schedules with reviewee portfolio links will be available April 3.
Note that your schedule may change slightly up until the day of the reviews, so please refer to the online version which is always the most up-to-date. Your final schedule will include the name and time of the photographer you will be meeting with and a URL to view the photographer's portfolio if they submitted it in advance. In many cases, this will be a gallery on the SDN website, but it doesn’t need to be. Your schedule will also include a link to your Zoom room. Your self-titled breakout room will remain the same throughout the day.
General hangout and tech support room
This room is available throughout the day for everyone--just to hangout. You can also enter a breakout room from this main room for Tech Support if needed.
Link for Hangout Room
Passcode: Hangout
Tech support phone number
To be posted later.
How the portfolio reviews will be structured
All the review sessions will be conducted in two separate Zoom rooms--the Margaret Bourke White and Gordon Park rooms. Each Zoom room will have approximately 17 breakout rooms named for each reviewer. You will meet all your reviewees throughout the day in the breakout room with your name.
Your Zoom room and breakout room will not change between review sessions. Only the photographers will need to navigate across the individual rooms throughout the day.
Five minutes before the start of each review session, you should make sure you are in your assigned breakout room. If you keep your room open on your computer all day, you never need to reenter the main Zoom room after first checking in. You just need to make sure you are in your self-titled breakout room at the correct time. If you leave your breakout room, you will need to enter first through the main Zoom room to access your breakout room again. Each of the two main Zoom rooms will have a volunteer captain to assist you in case you need any help.
During the 25-minute review session:
First-time Reviewer Training
Thursday, March 20, 3:00 pm
This is an optional training for reviewers who have not participated in the SDN Reviews previously. We will reach out to reviewers with information.
Reviewers Choice Award
If you signed up to be a juror for the Reviewers Choice Award, your ballots are due Friday, April 4. Projections of Reviewers Choice Award submissions and winners announced: 5:00–5:30 pm ET the day of the reviews.
Payment to reviewers
Just a reminder that we are offering payment of $20 for a standard 25-minute review, or you have the option to give some or all of this back to SDN as a tax-deductible donation (we are a nonprofit). Click here to enter payment choice and information any time up until April 12.
Questions prior to reviews
Please email