Chad is a country plagued by a long history of poverty, war and natural disasters. In recent years, the increase in problems related to malnutrition and malaria has been exacerbated by situations related to climate change of which Chad is the hub as far as Africa is concerned. Chad has recently experienced one of its worst floods ever with one million people affected across the country, hundreds of homes destroyed and extensive damage to cropland and livelihoods. The affected people suddenly became "climatic" displaced persons, finding themselves with nothing left and catapulted into IDP camps. Without a home, without their possessions, almost 200,000 people are living a new life in tents made of sheets, without assistance or food, further aggravating the already critical situation of food insecurity in the country. Chad is one of the countries with the highest poverty rate in the world. According to the Human Development Index it ranks 187th - out of 189 countries, placing Chad as the most vulnerable country in the world to the effects of climate change and with one of the most fragile humanitarian conditions in all of Africa.
It is always difficult for a photographer to be faced with such delicate and dramatic human situations. And one is always struck by the dignity and availability that people, families, men or women, offer the photographer, despite their delicate life situation. I will always be grateful to all the people I met and to photography itself.
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